LSERV Corporation
LSERV Corporation (Formerly LBP Service Corporation) was organized and incorporated in October 1996 primarily to provide quality service contracting and other human resource services to government and private institutions in various industries
IT Associate
Metro Manila
Accepts, evaluates and addresses requests for IT support; Prepares project time table based on user requirements; Sets up installation of IT equipment and software programs; Regularly applies update patches to software progr
    Job Requirements
      Must be proficient in the following:
 Design, develop, implement, manage, and maintain business computer solutions
 Manage information systems to aid business decisions
    Job Details
Category: Information and Communications Technology
Other Job Category:
Job Type: Permanent
Job Level: Supervisory
Years of Experience: 12
Fresh Graduate: No
Salary Range: 20,000 - 25,000
Other Program/s:
Date Posted: December 4, 2023
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