STI Education Services Group
As an institution dedicated to human resource development through high quality education, we value creative, dedicated, highly motivated individuals with a wide range of experience and expertise, who are willing to work in a dynamic environment.
Student Development and Welfare Coordinator
Southern Luzon
Coordinate variety of program-related requirements to different department and campuses. Maintains database of the different student development programs and projects. Support the team in planning, organizing, monitoring, and measuring effectiveness of programs and projects. Assists in budget monitoring and reporting.
    Job Requirements
      Must be proficient in the following:
 Skilled in record management
 Demonstrates knowledge and skills in the preparation of reports and correspondences
 Demonstrates knowledge and skills in the proper handling of mails

Other Requirements/Skills :
Bachelor degree graduate of at least Social Sciences-related program or other relevant field.
    Job Details
Category: Education
Other Job Category:
Job Type: Permanent
Job Level: General Staff
Years of Experience: 0
Fresh Graduate: Yes
Salary Range: -
Other Program/s:
Date Posted: April 17, 2024
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