STI Education Services Group
As an institution dedicated to human resource development through high quality education, we value creative, dedicated, highly motivated individuals with a wide range of experience and expertise, who are willing to work in a dynamic environment.
Training Officer
Southern Luzon
The Training Officer is responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and supporting the provision of training services and other projects/activities that enable employees to perform functions relevant to the thrusts of the organization. S/he primarily collaborates with the requestors of training services and performs functions such as identifying the training needs, and designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating training programs.
    Job Requirements
      Must be proficient in the following:
 Plan communication programs
 Manage communication programs
 Design and produce multi-media (print, broadcast, audiovisual and electronic) output
 Design, manage, and evaluate communication campaigns
 Practice social responsibility

Other Requirements/Skills :
Bachelor degree related to human relations or learning and development
    Job Details
Category: Administration/ Clerical Support
Other Job Category:
Job Type: Permanent
Job Level: Officer
Years of Experience: 0
Fresh Graduate: Yes
Salary Range: -
Other Program/s:
Date Posted: April 17, 2024
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