Davidlink Manila Corporation
A multi-national company established in 2004, aiming to provide emerging offices in the greater Manila Area with the highest quality Office Automation Products (OAP) available in the International market today.
Admin Staff
Metro Manila
Must be proficient in using MS Tools. Detail-oriented. Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively. Must be willing to work in Makati.
    Job Requirements
      Must be proficient in the following:
 Manage day to day operations of the business
 Adapt appropriate business trends in accordance with company operating procedures
 Build effective processes and structures needed to support repetitive decisions
 Plan and manage activities in manufacturing and service-related businesses
 Analyse and evaluate business reports, proposals and concept papers
    Job Details
Category: Administration/ Clerical Support
Other Job Category:
Job Type: Permanent
Job Level: General Staff
Years of Experience: 0
Fresh Graduate: Yes
Salary Range: -
Other Program/s:
Date Posted: June 27, 2024
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