Dolmar Property Ventures Inc.
Dolmar is a privately-held company that develops affordable residential subdivisions and condominiums, and leases out office/warehouse spaces to the corporate and business markets. A responsible developer of durable homes and condominium units in
Systems Analyst
Metro Manila
With T-SQL Scripting/Programming is required. Good in oral and written communication. Knowledge on SAP Business One is a plus.
    Job Requirements
      Must be proficient in the following:
 Design and develop database architecture for information systems projects
 Apply fundamental computer concepts as problem solving skills
 Design and implement computer-based solutions
 Develop project plans
 Analyze and design systems using SDLC methodologies
    Job Details
Category: Administration/ Clerical Support
Other Job Category:
Job Type: Permanent
Job Level: General Staff
Years of Experience: 1
Fresh Graduate: Yes
Salary Range: -
Other Program/s:
Date Posted: June 27, 2024
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