1Rotary Trading Corporation
1Rotary Trading Corporation is the leading retailer of air-conditioning, refrigeration, and car aircon parts and supplies in the Philippines. Providing wide selection of cooling parts, supplies, and accessories of trusted international & local brands
Marketing Specialist
Metro Manila
Responsible for research and analyses demographics, pricing schedules, market trends, competitor products, and other information relevant to the company’s marketing objectives. Creates and develops promotional materials, sales tactics, new campaigns, advertising copy, and other marketing materials.
    Job Requirements
      Must be proficient in the following:
 Design multimedia projects creatively, based on a knowledge of multimedia and communication theories, aesthetic principles, and approaches
 Critically evaluate and articulate the societal, aesthetic, communicative and ethical value of a multimedia project based on global trends and issues in multimedia technologies, design, and practice
 Demonstrate proficiency in the visual arts required in the production of multimedia projects

Other Requirements/Skills :
Attention to details    
Presentation Skills    
Confident, Good Judgment    
Project Management    
    Job Details
Category: Arts/ Design/ Creative Multimedia
Other Job Category:
Job Type: Permanent
Job Level: Executive
Years of Experience: 1
Fresh Graduate: No
Salary Range: 20,000 - 25,000
Other Program/s:
Date Posted: July 17, 2024
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