Climbing Up the Career LadderClimbing Up the Career Ladder | |  For most of us, career growth is analogous to climbing our way up the corporate ladder. We get satisfaction every time our hard work is recognized with a promotion, an increase in compensation, or even through simple citations. However, there are also times when our works don’t even get congratulatory remarks or a pat on the shoulder from our bosses. And sometimes, we end up being disappointed or depressed.
Casey Lou has been working in an IT solutions company for nearly three years now. She started her career as a telephone operator and worked her way up in the company until she became the supervisor of the company’s Customer Service Department. When asked how she managed to do that in three years, Casey Lou shares, “I always did my best, even with the simplest tasks.”
Too often, some ambitious individuals spend more time and energy thinking about promotion or career advancement than actually getting things done. They are too focused and preoccupied on the perks and prestige that come with their possible promotion that they sometimes forget that they should also strengthen their worth and value to the company before anything else.
Like Casey Lou, adhering to excellence at all times is the formula in moving up in a company. When you treat your everyday work as a learning experience and an opportunity for growth, you are charting a roadmap to success.
If you are a sales professional, you should aspire to rake in the highest amount of sales for the company. If you work as a graphic artist, you should commit to being the most knowledgeable, highly-skilled, innovative and creative person in your group. Your commitment in being the best in your group and in raising the standards of the quality of your work may help you capture your boss’ attention.
Here are some of the common dos in the workplace that can get you on the road to promotion and career growth:
• Pay attention to details. Before you start working on a task or a project, make sure that you understand everything clearly and that you have identified
• Be true to your commitments. When you commit to finish a certain task or project, be sure to submit it on time. Failing to do so may give your boss an impression that you were not efficient enough to complete the job. However, still keep in mind that you should not compromise the quality of work. Should it require a longer period of time to finish, advise your boss ahead of time and explain why you need an extension.
• Never brag about your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. There’s a fine line between exuding confidence and being arrogant, and the latter may negatively affect your relationship with your colleagues.
• Be a team player.
• Accept criticisms positively. Avoid being antagonistic. Treat criticisms as a means to improve yourself.
• Come to the office on time. Punctuality is a reflection of professionalism and effective time management skills. Show your colleagues and your boss that you value and respect the time of the company and its stakeholders. And as many people would say, “the early bird catches the worms!”
• Respect your colleagues – regardless of titles.
• Always be prepared and aspire to excel.
Success takes time, determination, hard work, and a lot of effort, and these are the things that can make your achievements worthwhile. Just remember to focus on your goals, always keep the right attitude, and consider the list above to experience how these may work to your advantage!