IBM Career Exploration IBM Career Exploration - Virtual Career Fair
September 19, 2013 from 3PM to 7PM | |  IBM invites all STI graduating students and alumni to be part of “IBM Career Exploration” (ICE).
ICE is a 4-hour live virtual career fair that allows students and alumni with an internet access to log-in to an IBM platform to participate. It is scheduled on September 19, 2013 from 3PM to 7PM.
To pre-register, log on to to experience this FREE virtual career fair and have the opportunity to:
• Listen from and interact with IBM’s top executives, and leading experts from a wide range of fields in business, technology, research, and human resources;
• Explore career development programs and continuing education programs designed to accelerate opportunities for talented employees ;
• Understand how to build and apply expertise and expand professional networks ; and
• Learn how to best position themselves in a highly competitive job market.