STI Partners with DOLE
| |  Part of the partnership objectives is to support our network of schools in their smooth annual conduct of the National Job Placement Month (NJPM). NJPM is a culmination of career development efforts that comprise Employment Preparation Seminars (EPS), Alumni and I-CARES Orientation, and Job Fair.
As agreed by both parties, DOLE exempts STI schools from applying for a job fair permit provided that it will be held within the school premises. Also, DOLE will provide a speaker to join our schools’ job fair events to educate our graduates of their rights and responsibilities as prospective employees to become productive members of society. In return, STI extends its assistance by promoting and cascading DOLE’s mandate of ensuring the jobseeker’s protection in any employment facilitation related activities to its schools nationwide.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by Mr. Peter K. Fernandez, STI EVP/COO, Hon. Reydeluz D. Conferido, DOLE Undersecretary and witnessed by Dominique R. Tutay, Bureau of Labor and Employment Director and Atty. Arthur J. Genota, STI Legal Manager.